I’m trying to copy and paste the twitter feed code into a html enclosure in Rapidweaver, but only the title shows up.
How do I actually get the feed to show up?
I’m trying to copy and paste the twitter feed code into a html enclosure in Rapidweaver, but only the title shows up.
How do I actually get the feed to show up?
Do you have a screenshot of what you pasted?
I mean, in your rapidweaver project, what have you pasted? Also, is the feed you’re trying to embed public? If they have protected tweets turned on, it wouldn’t show up…
Maybe it just hasn’t updated yet. The two tweets on that account are only 20 minutes old (your post is from 40 minutes old)
could there be some javascript setting to activate?
the code works fine on the test page on twitter.
Do you have a URL to share? Maybe there’s an error there somewhere. You shouldn’t need to activate anything extra, as far as I know
This is a test only - I’ve tried other embed snippets with 100% success, it works with other codes like widgets and YouTube videos with no problems at all. The publish twitter feed does not show up at all, just the title.
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