Upgraded RapidW 7 to 8 now stacks won't work - advise please

Old computer crashed - I had RW7 with Stacks 3.

New computer I upgraded to RW8 - I can open project but it is blank and says I am missing plug ins including Stacks.

Is there a way to retrieve the project? If I buy stacks again (latest version) will it bring back my projects?

Thank you so much for your advice!


You will need to reinstall any plugins, themes and stacks you had on your old Mac on to your new Mac.

Many developers have an old order lookup system, so you can download your previous purchases.

You can download the most recent version of Stack 3 from here: http://info.yourhead.com/stacks/

There is a serial number lookup on the bottom of all the pages on their main website: http://yourhead.com

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Thanks Paul - I did download new Stacks, but pages still have no content. My HD from old computer is most likely corrupt, so I cant get any files off it. I am working on it. If I can get it working, are there files that I need to transfer to new laptop so my project files will show up?

Thanks Don - I did download new Stacks, but pages still have no content. My HD from old computer is most likely corrupt, so I cant get any files off it. I am working on it. If I can get it working, are there files that I need to transfer to new laptop so my project files will show up?

Can you explain what you mean by “so my projects will show up”? Are you not finding the project files. Are they opening up, but the content doesn’t look correct because of missing plugins?

If you can open the projects and just can’t edit them because of missing plugins, then you will need to reinstall the ones you used. If you can’t get them off the old hard drive, or one of your backups (and you really should have multiples), then you will need to get them from the developer’s sites. Do you know which plugins you’re missing?

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It would be good to know what you have recovered so far and what your new setup is.

So far you have RW and Stacks; what other themes, stacks, or plugins have you installed on your new Mac.

Do you have the RW project files recovered from a backup? When you open the RW project files and they are not loading correctly they should give you an idea of what is missing.

I have downloaded Rapid Weaver 8 and the latest Stacks. my website is directedbypaul.com so you can go and see how it looks.

I was able to retrieve the project file icon (pic attached) but no other files. When the project opens, the webpages are there, but no content (photo attached) - also the theme is different, but I can alway redownload it.

I have downloaded Rapid Weaver 8 and the latest Stacks. my website is directedbypaul.com so you can go and see how it looks.

I was able to retrieve the project file icon (pic attached) but no other files. When the project opens, the webpages are there, but no content (photo attached) - also the theme is different, but I can alway redownload it.

Let’s start with getting the correct theme installed and working. The theme on your website is Reservations by Brandon Lee. Use the “lookup” link to find your order, re-download the theme and install it. http://bltthemes.com/support/

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