Upgrading investigation (V7 => V8)

Hi I have been using RW starting RW5. To upgrade my current website from RW7-RW8 will be a huge effort and cost so I am now considering changing to an other platform and leaving RW with a more effort but less costs. I understand and support new versions as they are essential to have a vital platform but for my customers I need stability in the look and feel of my site. It will be more and more essential to only use standard RW themes and add on’s to avoid upgrade effort & costs.

Currently using RW 7; Sey-design-creamy (V5.x of Nimblehost) theme; related SeyDoggy-Slidebox; Tabmate from CosCulture and basic plugins and stacks


  1. Could you assist with an alternative theme and plugin to realise photo slideshow in the Header (Creamy and SeyDoggy-Slidebox are no longer available in RW8) with minimal migration effort and remaining look and feel.
    see e.g.: http://huisindegard.nl
  2. What would be an alternative to replace Tabmate (new solution is required in RW8 and accordingly a full version (cost). Essential is the tab options including controle of the “open” tab)
    see e.g.: http://huisindegard.nl/ons_huis/beschikbaarheid/beschik_jaar/beschik_jaar.php?tmTabId=2020

Thanks for your help and will be well appreciated as I really hope to receive some alternatives as I would like to spend my effort in new functionality and content of the website in stead of upgrading.

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