Upgrading site from 5.3.1 to 8? 5.4.1 no longer available?

Hi all. Sorry for the throwback question. I’ve been asked to upgrade a site developed with RW 5.3.1/BlocksBox5. From the RW 7 manual, it indicates a need to upgrade to 5.4.1 first, then save before using later versions. However, 5.4.1 doesn’t seem to be available on the RealMac anymore. Links don’t work. Any suggestions? I’ve 8 installed, and the lastest Stacks/Blocks plug-ins and J Workmans Foundation6 Theme installed. Any help would be appreciated. At present, RW 8 crashes on previewing any of the pages…Need some guidance/help. Thanks in advance…

Hi Johannes and welcome to the forum,

You can get most any version of RapidWeaver you want here:

However, RW5 is ancient, it predates responsive design. Most people find it easier to just copy and past from an existing site that is that old. You will not find anything like F6 or stacks 4.

So I’d suggest if they still have a published site to just start fresh and copy and paste content.

If not, then I’d probably just do what’s needed to get it published (locally might work with something like MAMP) and copy and paste to a new project with RW8/S4/F6.

Hi Doug. Thanks. The page is where I started. However, the links don’t work unfortunately (neither Chrome/Safari/Firefox). Yeah, that’s pretty much what i’m now thinking of doing… I have all the old resources and files from the RW5 version, so I don’t have to do that…

Wow, Just checked and you are right. @dan, @Aaron - Release notes are broken???

I know you are reorginizing stuff but, web development 101 guys, don’t break links when you update.

Thanks for all the effort. In thinking about what you indicated, and how old the first version was, I’ll start from scratch rather than opening the old files in RW 8. I’ve got my hands full with fiddling with Foundation6 (Weaverspace). once that’s completed I’ll rebuild from scratch…Happy New Year!

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