Hello, how can i set up color background to black and remove overflow on lightbox vimeo player?
Hello, how can i set up color background to black and remove overflow on lightbox vimeo player?
Sadly your theme is overriding the styles. What theme are you using?
Thank you Joeworkman.
I’m using Future Theme.
Here my best setting. Is there a way to take off the white bar at the right?
I’m not seeing the white bar when I look at the site live. Are you seeing it only in prevew?
I have this white bar in preview and all browsers installed on my laptop (Safari, Firefox and Vivaldi).
Display is ok on ios and android phone. I will try on no-retina mac.
Is it possible to hide overflow bar?
Chances are that you have always show scrollbar enabled in your MacOS preferences. Turning that off is the only way around this.
Thank you so much Joeworkman. It works!
Sorry for the inconvenience. I will never have thought of a trackpad setting. Thanks
It looks like you removed the lightbox. If you want it back, I can supply you with some CSS to make the lightbox background black like you wanted.
Thank you for your proposition.
After several tests, I prefer the ergonomics of the static player for my project.
I find that videowall stack is a very good tool for managing videos.
For future versions, it would be nice to be able to anchor the static player when you click on the thumbail (with top, middle, bottom screen option).
Another useful option would be to highlight a video in the player with a dedicated url (or iframe embeded url).
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