Hey guys! This is a great discussion.
I’m going to be the oddball and say websites are not dying. In fact, they’re going to matter more than ever in the near future. Technologies and how we interact with them will always evolve, but websites aren’t going anywhere. Why?
These are my top reasons (they all go hand in hand):
a) Data/Privacy/Experience Control
With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc, all of your (and your users) data is controlled by that respective platform. There’s no way for you to tailor an experience to your visitors. And say everyone decides to boycott Facebook (it’s coming…), you’d be left without an online presence because you spent most of your time/effort on FB vs your own platform.
b) Brand control
Brands are becoming a crucial key to any successful business, and having just social/3rd-party platforms suffocates your brand. With a website, you can create your own corner of the web.
c) Pieces of a big pie
A website will always contain a bigger piece of a pie (online traffic) than other platforms. FB users don’t necessarily have IG, or Snapchat, etc. However, they can all go to your website as one central place to interact with your website.
e) Google
Google craves original and relevant content. Blogs, products, videos, etc. A website is still the best/easiest way to give Google what it wants, and in return, your potential customers/clients.
I don’t think you should invest in any other platform more than you do your very own (your website). Blog, add pages, etc. It’s YOURS to keep, control, maintain and optimize.
I’ll end this by saying that I have worked with businesses where Instagram provided a better immediate ROI than a website, but almost every time a business doesn’t have a website, they’re missing out big time. I helped a guy who had a strong Facebook/Instagram and social ads presence. We created a simple website with his services/gallery, and the leads (through his site) started pouring in within days. His social /ads increased as well.
EDIT: didn’t read all replies till now, and realized I echoed @swilliam - don’t just take my word for it