Weird Things Happening To Form Base


I’ve had to do a complete rebuild of my Mac Pro - numerous running issues and have re-installed RapidWeaver 6.3.4 and Stacks 3.0.2.

The problem I’m getting with a site created prior to the Mac rebuild is with Form Base 1.5.17.
When viewing the Contact page in Edit Mode, the Stack looks like this:

Kind of weird eh?

However when viewing the page in Preview Mode, the page looks “normal”:

I have made no changes to the site, apart from editing some text further up the page. No changes have been made to the Form Base Stack.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation.


Hey Mike,

I’d love to have a copy of this file and the associated stacks/plugins that it needs to see this behavior. Any chance you could join the slack channel here: and send me a direct message with those things?


Hi Isaih,

I’ve direct messaged you.

All the best,
