What could I use for this image scroll that runs across the bottom of the page?

I know I have asked a couple times how this site was put together but there is one more thing I’ve got to know. How is it those images scroll by at the bottom? Originally I thought that I was going to delay adding that feature to a later phase in the project but then I had second thoughts.

The author my next site is for will only have two books, so not a lot of covers to display, but then I realized he teaches plays I bet I can use that space for stills of the acting.

@KipV Hi, don’t know if I understand you correctly. The cover book images at the bottom of the page are slideshow. With Elixir products you could do that with Orbit stack or with the Foundry3 slider tool.

Okay I didn’t realize I could use those for a continuous scrolling slideshow. I’ll have to look at their settings. On the example page each image stops for a few seconds before moving on but in this example it just moves on all the time. Also it goes to the edges of the screen.

I’ll have to look into those two tools and explore their capabilities more. I used Orbit for a full screen next button slide but that way of using it is so different then how it is used on this page it didn’t occur to me that it could be used in that way. Okay I’ll look into that, thanks!

In Orbit 2 “general” settings, play with Timing (pause/transition), you will obtain exactly the same show than in your provided link (I’ve reproduced it this morning). Also play with gutter, padding and not loop because in the provided example the slideshow stop on the last picture. Cheers

As I continue playing with the slides made from both the Slider stack and Orbit I can’t seem to make the slides stop pausing every time a slide gets to the end of the screen. For both of them I set the pause at zero but they will still pause for half a second.

I would upload the RW file but it won’t let me. It seems that uploading here will only work for images for some reason and not zip files.

You will always have a blink, not a half second but a blink (pause zero, transition for example 1200, slide or loop). There is no way to avoid it (time to load I think) except if you ask Adam directly, maybe he could help it.
If you really want the exact fluid transition so here is the stack you need from Shakingthehabitual. Hope that helps.

ZIP file uploads are disabled to help maintain server disk space.

You can share project files using services like iCloud drive, Google drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc., all which have free tiers.

The stack you included in the example appears to be working how I would expect it to. I wonder why the autoscroll in the other stacks doesn’t appear to work like that?