đź“Š Where did you get RapidWeaver from?

Hey guys,

I wanted to a quick poll to see where you purchased RapidWeaver from and why. Choose an option and leave a comment below.

Keep it clean and polite please! :slight_smile:

  • App Store
  • Direct from Realmac
  • Setapp
  • Via a Bundle

0 voters

P.S. If you did purchase from the App Store we’d really appreciate a review and rating as It will really help RapidWeaver!

Happy Weaving!

Purchased because client came me with a large existing RW project. I found the RealMac website and purchased. I don’t think I even looked on App Store at the time… that was several years ago and version 5.

Just to be precise, the bundle was the “Mac Bundle 2.0” of Ondesoft.

Had a free copy of v4, upgraded via RM to v5 then v6 and then v7, got another v7 in a bundle deal.

I bought RW6 direct from RM, then bought RW7 in an offer that cost less to buy the full product, than the upgrade price and also bought a couple of extra RW’s in bundle deals, more because I wanted other stuff in those particular bundle deals. Surely, RM knows exactly where the purchases come from?

This is more of an open straw poll to see where active forum users got RW 7 from. Just because someone got RapidWeaver in a bundle or part of Setapp doesn’t mean they are active users.

I was also hoping that this conversation would encourage users that purchased it via the App Store to leave a review. That stuff really helps us out.


I bought Rapidweaver 5 direct from Realmac and have since bought the upgrades to 6 and 7 direct as well.

It seems I’ve purchased RW numerous times over the years.

First from MacUpdate (MU) in 2008. Not sure which version this would have been.
Next from SmithMicro in 2011. Version 5.
Version 5 again in a MU bundle in 2012.
Version 6 upgrade from Realmac in 2014.
Version 6 again in a promo bundle from MU in 2015.
Version 7 upgrade from Realmac.

10 years ago, I purchased Rapidweaver 3 directly from Realmac and also bought all upgrades directly.

I guess RW5 from MAS and then direct from you (after playing around with Hype and Flux but RW was the best!)

I’m a small publisher and bought mine some years ago to replace Mac’s iWeb, which had become obsolete. I wanted something a bit more sophisticated and with more options, but still easy enough that it wouldn’t be a headache. And I needed it to be desktop based as I live in the countryside and have very slow internet. I’ve been using it for about two years now – maybe a bit more – and am very happy.

Bought my previous version from RealMac

I started with a RW6 demo version in January 2015 and purchased RW6 directly from the Realmac site shortly thereafter. Purchased the upgrade for RW7 also from the Realmac site once it was available.

I got RW7 directly from RealMac. Bought the previous versions via AppStore which I preferred. Unfortunately, RW7 was not available there, at first. Now, I see at the AppStore, there is even a slightly newer update than on the direct version (7.3.3 vs. 7.3.2). I would immediately switch back to the AppStore for upcoming versions if they are available at the same time even if they were slightly more expensive. But hey, convenient updates and my peace of mind are worth something.


Bought RW7 from the RealMac website, because at that time there was no App Store version available. But in general I prefer App Store Apps. So I have all my apps in one place to reinstall them easily when changing to a new Macbook.

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Me too I prefer the App Store but same as you I have purchased all my preview RW upgrade versions at the RealMac website for the same reason. If we had the option to step over to the App Store on upgrades would be great.

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I bought my copy of RW way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, (Version 3) and have simply updated to the latest version every time, i’m am now on version 7.3.3. Strange thing about going to version 7.3.3 is there seems to be a lot less dinosaurs about nowadays. :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work guys.

I greatly prefer the App Store. I bought direct from Realmac a long time ago version 5. then repurchased from App Store when it became available there because I like the convenience. Then when Realmac stopped properly supporting the App Store with timely updates, I bought upgrades direct. Wish Realmac’s presence in App Store had been more consistent.

I think Realmac missed out on sales by having a gap in their proper support for App Store a few years ago.

I can’t give a review on App Store because my current version wasn’t purchased there.

If Realmac would provide some App Store coupon codes to current owners of version 7 that purchased direct from Realmac… some might prefer to switch over to App Store and be able to review.

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Yes indeed Jim, this would be great if they could do this.

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Apple only gives a limited number of coupon codes, so then how does Realmac determine who gets these codes??

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