I would like to add the ability to edit image galleries and blog post from any browser to my web site.
I have been searching this site and the web for ideas. The problem I have is that many of the suggestions written about some years ago are either no longer available , no longer being developed/supported or have very poor on-line documentation. So I wonder what are people using in 2024?
My own searches have led me to Easy CMS, Total CMS, Armadillo and several others that appear to be dead in the water. I am certain that Total CMS will do everything I want and probably much more but it is expensive when compared to other options. I am unclear if Easy CMS allows live editing of the built in Rapid Weaver blog page or, if it does, how user friendly it is. In the past Armadillo received many recommendations but I am unable to make much sense out of its web site which has the look of an abandoned project.
My requirements are as follows:
Support one or more blogs each with its own secure log in page.
The blog should allow text entry and editing and the attaching of one or more images.
Images should be automatically resized to reduce download bandwidth.
A third secure log in should allow the admin to add/edit image galleries.
There’s no stack that allows you to edit the built-in blog page type outside of Rapidweaver.
I think Poster 2 does let you create blog posts from a browser but it uses Markdown and doesn’t look friendly enough for a beginner user IMHO. I’m sure Jannis will be along to correct me if I’m wrong.
I’ve used Armadillo here (https://www.riverrunning.co.uk/) but unless things have changed, it’s pretty clunky when it comes to adding galleries. I think you used to be able to do it via InStacks’ Gallery stack but I’m not sure.
Total CMS will let you do what you want to do - it’s a sophisticated product but obviously has a learning curve. I’m sure you’d be able to create a very friendly interface for your users to add content. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a template that already does most or all of the things you want. It is a per domain purchase though.
Finally, Alloy (https://alloy.elixirgraphics.com/) will do exactly what you want as well but only works with the Foundry Framework; I think this may be your best bet, certainly in terms of helpful documentation and user experience - but that’s just my opinion based when I was using RW a lot a couple of years back.
Finally, finally, the free Microblog stack will let you embed a Tumblr blog into your Rapidweaver site. It’s quick, easy and free. Obviously there are caveats when using a third party service. I’ve used it here on the front page - https://www.acmemuseumservices.co.uk/
Hi Bruno, as far as I can tell from the on-line documentation Poster 2 is only for use from within Rapidweaver so does not provide any option for a third party to log in and add to a blog. I would be happy to be wrong.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for a thought provoking and helpful list. I may go for the free option, Microblog to see how much the blog is used and wait until November to see if there are any decent savings to be had with either Total CMS or the Foundry Framework and Alloy. Your comments about helpful documentation and user experience have me leaning towards this option in the long term. Its more expensive for a single site but it sounds like it may save development time.