Which stacks at Weaver's Space are compatible with Foundation 6?

The title says it all: Which stacks offered at Weaver’s Space are compatible with Foundation 6?

all of thrm with the exception of the foundation 1 stacks (which I don’t think are still available anyway.)
All of Joe’s stacks that are Non-foundation should work with any theme, including Foundation 6

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Unfortunately, at https://www.weavers.space/stacks/, the various stacks do not seem to be grouped by Foundation 6 or Floundation 1 or non-Foundation. So my question really still stands not fully answered.

Must one peer inside the docs for each individual stack there to see what category it’s in with respect to Foundatin 6/Foundation 1/non-Foundation? If so, that’s a bit annoying.

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All of his stacks work with F6. I’m not sure how to make it clearer than that.
F6 it’s self is a set of stacks and a theme.

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Yes, it was quite clear that F6 is a theme combined with a lot of stacks!

Mu question concerned all the other stacks at Joe’s site. You said first that all of his stacks will work with F6 except the F1 stacks which, you think are not still available. Are these F1 stacks not shown on his Stacks catalog page https://www.weavers.space/stacks/ ?

It looks like Joe has removed the Foundation 1 stuff from his site now that F6 has launched. So, all the stacks on his site should be compatible with F6

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OK, thank you, that totally clarifies matters now!

Thanks guys! They are correct. All of my stacks should work with Foundation 6.

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