Why am I geting this with Joe Wrokman's SEO helper

I thought I have everything the way it says on Joe’s video but I keep getting the

Duplicate Meta Tags Found

You should disable meta tags, descriptions, and robots inside RapidWeaver if you are defining them with SEO Helper.
I know I must just be missing something
I am using RW 8 with the original foundation

Do you have any meta tags in Settings > Code > Meta Tags?

Got a URL?


No, I don’t

Nice looking site Chris - but it really needs a proof read. :sunglasses:

Thank you, lol yep thats when i hand it over to my wife :smile:

Looking at the site https://gmblocalhero.com/ you definitely have two sets of og meta tags and two <meta name="robots" tags.

I don’t have @joeworkman’s SEO helper stacks (the new ones). But It looks as if you have everything turned off correctly in the screenshots above. Did you republish after making that change?

Show me a screenshot of your SEO Helper setup.

Did you disable the social settings in the general settings of RW?

Here you go

I do , but that is a good thank you

Please do not use the BASIC setup as well as the dedicated ones. I think it is either / or. So if you use SEO Basic you should not use the Open Graph as well. Just the ones which are not covered in the Basic.

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Ohhhhhhh well that makes perfect sense. That worked Thank you so much for your help.


Did you disable the social settings in the general settings of RW?

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