Why don't my stacks load?

Suddenly my stacks won’t load.
I can go to RW8> Prefs> Stacks and all show up as being available.
Or I can go to Reveal> Addons Folder and it shows me all my stacks in a finder window.
But none are available for use and my RW Theme (mirage) says to reload the stacks. I’ve tried double clicking on the stacks and it says it’s replacing an existing stack and that RW will relaunch.
No stacks avail in my site.
So I’ve dragged stacks onto the RW icon and get same message with same result. No stacks available.
I don’t know what to try next.

I figured it out. Sort of. RW wanted my stacks in a folder called “stacks” but 3 folders (all called stacks) deep. Why I don’t know and why RW isn’t smart enough to know where the stacks are stored.

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