A thought for the combo-filter is to have a RESET button. “Show All” does RESET but not clear at first to new users. Once they get “no results” they may give up from searching further. Just a thought.
Is it possible to insert two or more Filter Base stacks on the same page all searchable by one Filter controls stack?
I would like to add headers/paragraphs between them (Filter Base items) to create different sections for a single FAQ.
Or in alternative a new item that we could place anywhere in the middle of the Filter Base stack (excluded from the index/not considered for search) to add custom content (stacks) just for FAQ organisation (headers or something similar) or layout/design purposes.
@yabdab Great update with the built-in lightbox. Do you have a workflow for getting it working as seen on the Gallery page? I can’t find the appropriate info on your site.
I have figured out (Inspect element) what classes I have to add to the images to get it working. The images in the grid seem to disappear however after showing in the lightbox. Reloading the page shows them again.
I have another question about the category tags. They are in alphabetical order on your page. I can’t figure out how to get that working on my page.
I have a testpage using the Mirage theme from @nimblehost here:
See edit note.
Appreciate any help from anyone
Edit: Removed the link. Testpage will be removed anyway, so no 404 now. All working fine now.
Me too I had the problem with the update not showing up in the Stacks updater. I had to download version 1.1 of Filter using the download link in the purchase e-mail.