Yabdab's Filter stack gets a BIG update

###Filter Version 1.1.0 is Now Available!

That’s right, a full point release straight out the gate. This first update to the Filter stack adds tons of functionality.

Here is a list of what was done…

  • Added Combo Filter feature
  • Added Default Filter feature ( auto filter onload )
  • Added URL Hash filtering feature ( #filter=my+tag )
  • Added ability to control transition/ animation speed
  • Added built-in lightbox feature
  • Added Background Color setting
  • Misc. tweaks and Fixes

For a quick demo of the new lightbox and combo filter features in action click the link below…

Don’t have Filter yet? Well what are you waiting for? Go git it!

You already purchased it? Thanks dude, we appreciate the support!
Get your update to version 1.1.0 by using the Stacks 3 built in Updates feature

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A thought for the combo-filter is to have a RESET button. “Show All” does RESET but not clear at first to new users. Once they get “no results” they may give up from searching further. Just a thought.

You can change the text to anything you like, including “Reset” :slightly_smiling:


It does not seem to update from «Update feature» on my side…Anybody have the same problem?


Is it possible to insert two or more Filter Base stacks on the same page all searchable by one Filter controls stack?
I would like to add headers/paragraphs between them (Filter Base items) to create different sections for a single FAQ.
Or in alternative a new item that we could place anywhere in the middle of the Filter Base stack (excluded from the index/not considered for search) to add custom content (stacks) just for FAQ organisation (headers or something similar) or layout/design purposes.

@webcore Yes, Any Filter controls placed on a page ( search or buttons or both ) will control all instances of Filter Base on the same page.

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Not updated on my side yet.


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Strange, anyone else not seeing the 1.1.0 update in the Stacks 3 “Update” window?

Great stack, even better update! Check out our RapidWeaver Central Review.


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@yabdab Great update with the built-in lightbox. Do you have a workflow for getting it working as seen on the Gallery page? I can’t find the appropriate info on your site.
I have figured out (Inspect element) what classes I have to add to the images to get it working. The images in the grid seem to disappear however after showing in the lightbox. Reloading the page shows them again.

I have another question about the category tags. They are in alphabetical order on your page. I can’t figure out how to get that working on my page.

I have a testpage using the Mirage theme from @nimblehost here:
See edit note.

Appreciate any help from anyone


Edit: Removed the link. Testpage will be removed anyway, so no 404 now. All working fine now.

@Macmenno Just use the Catalog Item and leave the Content area empty. Eazy-peazy :slight_smile:

As for the sorting of buttons, it should be done alphabeticaly on it’s own. Make sure you have no extra spaces in there throwing things off.

If you need any more help please open a ticket https://yabdab.zendesk.com


@yabdab All sorted out. It’s (almost) working as expected.
The -almost- has to do with some minor sorting issues. Yeah, those weavers always want more :wink:

I think I’ll open a ticket because those issues might be feature requests.

Thanks so far,


Me too I had the problem with the update not showing up in the Stacks updater. I had to download version 1.1 of Filter using the download link in the purchase e-mail.

Hey everyone let me know if you are not seeing the update in the Stacks 3 updater.
It should look like this…

Hi Mike,

not showing on my side


I downloaded from the Invoice’s URL

Not showing here in Portugal either :wink:

That is strange. The appcast URL is https, not sure if that matters?

Yes, same here I’m afraid.

Not seeing it here I’m afraid!