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Let’s keep keep the entrepreneurial spirit please. It’s the best thing that ever happened to RW.
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Let’s keep keep the entrepreneurial spirit please. It’s the best thing that ever happened to RW.
Agreed 100% on the entrepreneurial spirit. Beyond that, I just know that spirit can exist within a more complex shared environment. I’m unsure what a RW structure would be, but with 25 years in my own innovative company with employees, properties, etc etc, there is a backup plan for everything we do. I die, we don’t skip a beat. It is paramount for all who depend on this for their investment and livelyhood.
artista - we really are in agreement I believe. I guess my thinking is that I, nor anyone else, can steer the developers into “agreements” and such. It is my hope RW continues on for years as well as Stacks and all the add-ons (plug-ins, themes, etc) . But it’s up to the individuals to plan for this. I’m 68 years old and I have worked with those I make/maintain sites for so that they are able to continue on with their site should I become seriously ill or unable to continue for any reason. And I hope that major developers have done the same. But I shudder when you say “A Global developers support system” with “legal and supported agreement/system.” That just doesn’t sound entrepreneurial to me. But hey… just thoughts, and not worth a lot. I was a Director of Publishing in a past life and I chose to leave the corporate life due to those kinds of things. Couldn’t get anything done.
@Isaiah If you get a chance could you resolve my pending serial number? I purchased on Friday via PayPal, you can DM for more detail.
Sorry for the late reply. I think I finally made it to the bottom of the email queue sometime late yesterday afternoon. Hopefully I got to you then??? If not let me know. I have had an inordinate amount of email being filed as spam. It seems like the spam filters have more and more trouble separating one from the other these days.
If I didn’t get back to you, then let me know some details in a private message here and I can look it up and have the number resent – or whatever we need to get done.
Off topic a bit, I know, but I’ve been finding the same with spam filters recently.
Glad you’re back up and running @isaiah and thanks for Stacks.
@Isaiah you got me. I’m all set thank you.
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