Yuzoolthemes Box Stack - responsive layout

Hi there!
I’m trying to achieve a responsive layout with yuzoolthemes good looking box stack, but when I add a box base with some items to my project there is only one image displayed per row, regardless of the width of the browser window. Does anybody know how I can achieve a responsive layout like on the demo page of the stack (http://demo.yuzoolthemes.com/box/)?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Are you using the included responsive Box Layout stack to create the grid as described here - http://demo.yuzoolthemes.com/box/how-to.html


Thank you for your fast answer! Yes I’ve tried the included Box Layout stack, but unfortunately it didn’t solve the problem. As far as I understood the layout stack its use is to build a fix grid with - for example five columns - and then to resize the box items so they kann fit the width of the browser window until its so small that the grid gets disabled and only one column is displayed. So there is no transition form 5 to 4 to 3 etc. columns, as it is in the demo page, but just from 5 to 1.

Any idea how i can build the layout shown in the demo page?

Best regards,

I don’t have the stack I’m afraid. @yuzool will know of course.

The included Box Layout Stack is somewhat limited. However, you can apply any responsive layout stack. I have built some 60 pages for my box albums with the “Reflow Stack” from DeFliGra. Works flawless on all platforms with a nice responsive behavior.
E.g.: http://thomas-klimke.macbay.de/reise/paris-2015/

Thanks @robbeattieand @thkl

Yes you can use Box along with the built in responsive grid, the Grid included in Stacks 3, Reflow stack as mentioned, Joe Workman’s Responsive layout and so on…

Just choose your favourite and it will work nicely :slight_smile:

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but AFAIK the Grid included in Stacks 3 is not responsive.



this is correct. it’s meant to provide a fixed sized grid for fixed-sized layout.

however it’s easy to stack column stacks (which are responsive) to create any sort of responsive grid/tiles/columns/etc.

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oops - I meant column Stacks! Good spot :blush: