1LD LinkedIn Connect Stack

I’m trying to use 1LD LinkedIn Connect stack inside a Foundry Grid and it just does not want to show my profile. I added the core to the top of the page and then the stack to the grid. The URL is correct and I proceeded to publish the page, but nothing shows up. I know this is a bit of an older stack, so that may be the problem, but I would like to add my LinkedIn profile to the About page of my website. The website is www.groundwaterguy.com for reference, but there are not a whole lot options to setting up this stack, so it may just be a Foundry compatibility issue. If that is the case, are there any other stacks out there that allow you to post your LinkedIn profile dynamically to your web site?

There are a few errors on the About page related to LinkedIn, so I don’t think this is a compatibility with Foundry. My guess is that LinkedIn made a change that broke the @1LittleDesigner stack. Have you contacted their support?

You may need a content security policy header to allow the LinkedIn profile to load.

The “parallax.min.js.map” error isn’t really a problem.

Good point and thanks for your help. I know the social media platforms are always making changes and, since LinkedIn Connect is an older stack, what you are saying is quite possible. I’ll see if I can get anything out of LinkedIn but, in the meantime, I’ll just take the stack off the page.

After researching this a bit, it looks like, to me, that LinkedIn has disabled the ability to show your profile on your web site. Unfortunate, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction to resolve this.

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