A huge thank you

I just wanted to take this moment to thank Jonathon Mathews (1LD) and Will Woodgate (Stacks4Stacks), not only for their great products, but for their super support behind their work. I have spend days trying to work through designing my little web site to be simple and clean, yet holding lots of information without overwhelming the landscape. Will sent along some updates and just tonight Jon also send an update, making things easier for me and making my site look more professional, in my opinion. I hope that Rapidweaver and company realize how valuable these individuals are to us and to them, and figure out a way to keep them producing more stacks for RW Classic or add ons for the new Elements. I am very content staying with Classic and Stacks and relying on people like Jon and Will for coding that enables me to focus on design and content. I wish them both a Happy New Year and pass those wishes on to the RW crew as well. I am still having a lof of fun creating a website for the one person who enjoys reading my stuff. Happy New Year to all and best wishes for continued growth and success. It is 1:30 am my time down here in Florida, where I am a snowbird, so you can imagine how excited I am in working through this with their help…


That’s awesome to hear.

Here’s to many more years of weaving :beers: Happy New Year :partying_face:

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