A role model: Isaiah Carew

I’ve just re-watched the Stacks v4 by @isaiah at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3t8BKwXPQkphJTIvj6TZUA, and while I really like and appreciate the very thoughtful and constructive way these tutorials are put together (as is Stacks v4), to me, the most impressive aspect of these videos is Isaiah himself.

He has to be one of the most genuinely nicest guys on planet Earth.

Just amazing.

Thank you @isaiah for all your hard work and your presence in the RapidWeaver community.

And the rest of the world.


I totally agree with this. Every communication I have had with Isaiah has always been a pleasant one. He is truly the best developer in the RW community.


:smiling_face: < this is the blushing emoji-- but i don’t think it displays here – either way, i am, IRL, blushing right now >

thx. you guys are the best.


Totally Agree here too… Isaiah, I would have liked to have been there at the moment when the idea of “Stacks” popped into YourHead!


Isaiah is, as others have said, superb, like Stacks itself. There is nothing to touch it, but let us not forget that we are incredibly fortunate to have many wonderful developers in this community that gives us the the stacks that make this framework amazing.

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