@evatar PM’d me last night to say that he has fixed this now.
OMG sorry, I can’t believe I flaked on posting the resolution!
There were lots of little problems but mainly it turned out to be the the Publish Settings on my project. I changed:
And holy moley, ALL the issues went away, including the sidebar not showing up on the blog page. In fact, there were a ton of little glitches that disappeared when I made that change and now the site runs smoothly. It was a real head banger because both Publish Settings ‘worked’ inasmuch as they properly logged on and loaded up the site.
Thanks again to everyone here who helped! You saved my keister.
I’ve been having the same problem for the past 24 hours and I certainly empathize with your frustration. Glad to see someone else has solved the problem. I’m eager to try your solution to see if it works for me. I’ll let you know.
Thanks for being persistent!
Lawrence Standifer Stevens