Add 'next post' button?

Newbie question: I’m using Voyager theme and want to add a ‘next post’ button at the bottom of each post to save the reader hitting back button and selecting next post. Navigation buttons → ← would work too. Suggestions?

Are you asking about using the stacks built in Blog? And advancing to the next post?
If so, there isn’t a simple way IMO to do it other than to add a permalink link to every entry…

I use Poster Stack 2, if your blog is important to you, it will make everything easier in that it also allows you to use other stacks within it which the built in blog doesn’t.

Or am I misunderstanding what you are asking?

Thanks Chuck. I’m not asking about stacks. My hope was using the Voyager theme I could add a ‘next post’ button. I will check out Poster Stack 2.


I followed your advice and it works!

One further question: I sorted my blog so that the most recent post is at the top. At the bottom it shows “Next post” but it should say “Previous post” since the link points to the previous day’s post. Is there a way to correct this?

I’m not familiar with poster, however if you look to see if there is a way to edit the time of the post. Ensure the time marks are accurately reflecting the order you desire.

Is it possible to rearrange the order of the posts in any other way?

Change the text inside the stack settings.