Animated count-up on site scroll

I am looking for something like this:
If you scroll down the page, a black bar will appear below the main content. It contains four circles in which figures for the company are displayed. The cool thing is: the count up as they appear. Does anybody know how that can be done in RapidWeaver?

Optic Stats by 1 Little Designer does this. Looks pretty slick but I haven’t had a reason to use it yet.

cool - thanks! I will give that a try.

Yep, what @jabostick said.

I reviewed it here -

@Marten_Claridge used to have a nice animated horizontal bar stack that was a good way to present info like this but I can’t seem to track it down.


[quote=“robbeattie, post:4, topic:5485”]
@Marten_Claridge used to have a nice animated horizontal bar stack that was a good way to present info like this but I can’t seem to track it down. [/quote]

I did. It was called TubeThing and was part of the Quantum Weaving bundle, which I’ve sadly had to deprecate. I will however be repurposing a few of the stacks, one of which will be a new ‘animated horizontal bar’ stack.
