Armadillo blog – does not accept a certain language

I am using an Armadillo blog in a certain website. When I am logged in I see the dashboard in English although the setting is to German as preferred language.
However, when my client is logged in, she has the setting in German.

Is this a bug?

(I would be nice for me to have the menu items in the same language so that we can better communicate with each other when I coach my client how to use the blog.)

Again tagging Jonathan @nimblehost

Maybe the browser is forcing a language change? Set the browser to a certain language maybe.

Armadillo does try to detect the browser language setting during initial setup, but once language is selected in the Settings tab uses that value. I’ve not been able to reproduce this issue, with a different language shown from what is selected. I’m not sure it will help, but perhaps have you and/or your client clear your browser cache?

Thanks for your answer. I have Armadillo in three different websites in use, nowhere does it show the German (except for the login-window). I tried it with a browser with which I have never opened the login, everywhere the same – English, despite “German” as the language selection in the menu.
Well, I can live with it, for myself no problem at all. But it would be a bit easier if the client and myself would have the same window in front of us. Maybe she needs to switch to English, then.

I wish there was more I could do to help - I think further troubleshooting would require access to the server. I’ve sent you an email about possible next steps, if you don’t receive it please let me know.

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