Big Changes & New Beginnings

I’ve just written a blog post about some big changes coming to seyDesign, RWExtras and many NimbleHost addons.


  • seyDesign, RWExtras and most NimbleHost addons are now in the incredibly capable hands of Will Woodgate. There are very, very few people I would trust to take care of my customers. Will was at the top of the list.
  • I will continue providing active development and support of Armadillo and Waterfall.
  • RW is awesome!

Congratulations, Jonathan, on taking a new direction.

Thanks for everything you’ve done for the community over the years - and good luck!

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Ouch. :frowning:
Wish you all the best, Jonathan.

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Thanks for terrific products, excellent customer service and an unwavering, positive and patient attitude at all times, Jonathan.

Best of luck with the new chapter, and thanks for handing over the reins your themes and stacks to a very worthy successor in Will. At least we will still get to have you 'round the RW hood with Armadillo and Waterfall. Thanks again.


Best of luck, Jonathan.

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Jonathan: Thanks for everything over the many years! Very glad you are keeping your foot in the water with Armadillo and Waterfall!


Good luck Jonathan. I can’t help but feel a little sad as another of my favourite developers moves on to other stuff. Your support has always been top notch. Best of luck to you!

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Congrats and looking forward to what you get up to next. Glad that Will is able to take over your work and keep those products alive.

Good luck!

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Jon, as everybody else, I want to thank you for your products and – most of all – for your personal assistance and unlimited kindness and patience.

I am very grateful for your deal specifically with Will. Both of you, guys, were and are my absolutely top-favored devs.

No need to say ‘good bye’, since you will still be around with Armadillo and Waterfall. I wish you best luck with your new endeavor…

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Thanks for your RapidWeaver deliverables, and best of luck with your new challenges next to Armadillo and Waterfall. I am certain Will is a great choice for continuity of your products :+1:

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Thanks so much for the kind words!! You guys are tugging at my heart strings~


Jonathan you have been one of the most consistently reliable quality developers in the RW community. Customer support and service have been top notch all along. You are thorough, helpful and above all very conscientious of your customer’s needs. You really care, and it shows. While I am sad to see this transition, I am grateful that Will is the one who will carry forward as I hold Will and his customer support in just as high regard. A solid developer who is incredibly helpful and right there with customer support when needed.

These are changing times for the RW community, and I am hopeful the future will hold the same collegial, community-minded spirit that has helped everyone evolve in such a supportive manner.

A tip of the hat to all those devs who have contributed so much, but are now moving on to other adventures. Thanks for everything you have done.


Best of luck with everything!

Good to hear Armadillo is still being actively supported by you - I use that plugin everywhere, and your support has been top notch!

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To a great guy and obviously a very talented developer… Sad you’re taking a step away Jonathan but glad you’ll still be involved with RW, and happy you’ve chosen to pass some of your offerings on to Will (another person held in very high regard within the community). Wishing you all the best for whatever you take on next!


Good luck for the future @nimblehost, though very happy to hear that you’ll still be involved with armadillo.


Good luck with your future ventures Jonathan, life is short so it’s great that you are grabbing it with both hands!

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Thanks for all the feedback received, regarding my recent acquisition of seyDesign.

I’m delighted to have been offered the opportunity to take over ownership of seyDesign and the partial merger with Nimblehost / RWExtras. A huge amount of work and many late nights have already been invested into rebuilding the websites and getting some urgent updates out for some of the older addons. A lot more is planned for the coming weeks and months ahead. There will no-doubt be some very exciting announcements to come.

seyDesign, RapidSearchPro and RWExtras are all going to be maintained as separate entities. They will not get merged into ThemeFlood or Stacks4Stacks.

I’ve published some more information here about the acquisition, which should help to answer most questions.

You may also wish to take note of a massive relaunch promotion (a.k.a the ‘September Spectacular’) we are running in a few weeks time. This will give you the opportunity to buy or update bundles of our themes and stacks with significant discounts applied. More information will follow shortly.

If you want to take a look at the standards that themes are being updated to, the new Creamy 6 is a prime example. This theme has been totally rebuilt on the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It’s now mobile-first responsive and includes a whole bunch of new features. The update is free for all existing users.

Please also note that I am away on holiday between 24th August and 4th September. My brother is getting married during this period and I’ll be offline / offgrid for most of this time. I am around this weekend if you wish to contact me about any important matters or to start requesting some updates. Otherwise you will need to wait until 4th September before contacting me.

As always, Grant will be continuing to keep an eye on seyDesign / Nimblehost matters via the Google Group. And you can continue to provide seyDesign / Nimblehost addon feedback via this form. Follow seyDesign on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. for more updates.



Fantastic stuff!

And have a great time at the wedding. :slight_smile:


Best of luck, @nimblehost. It is reassuring both that you will be continuing development of Armadillo and that @willwood will be responsible for RWExtras and many NimbleHost addons – they are in very good hands.