New Community site

I went to my ‘Activity’ bookmark for the community site and noticed a fancy new site. Well done, @bon ! It looks really good. One thing I couldn’t find (and maybe it’s there somewhere) is the details of version updates are no longer there.

Maybe just overlooked with the publishing of a new/refreshed site.

Anyway, just a request. Looks great otherwise!


Definitely… it is a work in progress and there seems to be more added even ow than earlier today… I don’t think the site update is going to be an all at once thing, seems to be being brought out in stages which is a good thing feedback wise…

@dan, @bon and Team: I just want to say what we often sometimes forget, and that is thank you RMS Team for all that you do on a day to day basis to make your products and services as good as you possibly can using user feedback and putting up with our #%@& and complaints :slightly_smiling:



Why thank you, kind Sir.

Working on a much better version history view, where you’ll be able to see all versions of the addon in one list. Coming soon…

Thank you thank you. We do our best :slight_smile: