Blocks and Flow and Accordion and …

Catalina Support To Do List:

Plugin version in beta Catalina Compatible
Accordion v1.9.2 :white_check_mark:
Blocks v3.5.2 :white_check_mark:
Collage v2.5.0 :white_check_mark:
FAQMaker v3.1.0 :white_check_mark:
Flow v1.8.2 :white_check_mark:
Lockdown v3.1.1 :white_check_mark:
PlusKit v4.2.0 :white_check_mark:
Stacks 4 v4.0.3 :white_check_mark:
Stacks 3 v3.6.8 :white_check_mark:
SiteMap v3.2.0 beta 1 :soon:

Note: This will be the final version of Lockdown. We will begin sunsetting this plugin over the next few months. It will still be supported, updated, and bug-fixed for at least another year. But we will stop selling new licenses at the end of the year.

Update Oct 2: I’m adding Collage to the “done” list. It is available for auto-update now and will be posted for general download and to our plugin archive in an hour or two.

Update Oct 4: FAQMaker is done – with some improvements to the UI and support for dark mode too. Watch for the auto-update in about an hour or whenever the Notarization confirmation comes back from Apple. I’ve also added version numbers to the list above, just in case you want to verify.

Update Oct 6: SiteMap beta is out. It has some significant under the hood fixes for some of the little gotchas that snuck in with the RW 8.x releases. The changes are so big that we can’t just launch this one immediately – it needs to have a bit of beta testing before I feel comfortable releasing these changes. If you want to help beta test jump over to out Slack channel to download:
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Update Oct 7: Lockdown v3.1.0 is out and it fixes many small issues as well as Catalina Compatibility. PlusKit is out too. There are currently no known bugs in PlusKit (which is pretty nice) so we just added the Catalina notarization. We always do a beta of PlusKit just due to the complexity of the plugin – but it will be a short beta. Expect both of the betas to be out for final release a day or two.

Update Oct 8: Lockdown v3.1.1 fixes a pretty bad error in the final release build that didn’t show up in our internal builds. I’ve pushed this fix out immediately for all users.
And I’ve pushed the final release of PlusKit 4.2.0 out to all users.