I am looking for animation hover type of buttons. Not sure if it can be done in RW. However this web site here does it http://www.kernriverflyfishers.com
Is there a way to do something similar with rapid weaver?
@garyp, I agree with @Turtle regarding sticking to HTML buttons. If you want some pretty cool effects, though, you can’t go past Andrew Tavernor (Big White Duck) ButtonPlus stack. Here’s the link to the demo site where you can preview all the amazing hover effects Andrew has provided: http://demo.bigwhiteduck.com/ButtonPlus/Examples/
The cost? Yeah, well Andrew is known for charging outrageous prices and this one is no exception…$0! (But if you download any of his stacks, I really do encourage a donation that will at least let him buy a cup of coffee…gotta keep him in caffeine to keep writing amazing stacks).
Went to the link on iPad iOS 9.2 Safari and nothing moved. Didn’t even see a menu. Perhaps flash blocked? Another reason to use CSS and HTML for effects.
The other problem with Flash is that it tends to be… well, flashy. Frankly, too much animation, especially in functional items such as navigation bars, is a big turn-off. Well, that’s how I feel, anyway.
@garyp, ah, yes. I must admit that I tend to think of Rapidweaver only in Foundation terms. I’ve just written a rather lengthy review on Foundation in the Community section if you’re thinking of making the move.