Can Rapidweaver convert my existing html files?

Still deciding if Rapidweaver is a good purchase for me.
I used to use Dreamweaver until Adobe crushed it and introduced their subscription-based model. (not interested)
I’m currently stumbling along with Blue Griffon. (not bad, but I’m looking for something more elegant)

Can Rapidweaver read/convert my existing html files? I don’t necessarily always want to start from scratch.
Also, how difficult is file upload? Using Yahoo (sorry, Aabaco) for hosting, I have to use Filezilla. It was horrendous to set up and looks like something you’d use on a Windows machine.

Hi Thomas,

no, I’m afraid Rapidweaver won’t read/convert your existing HTML files because it’s not that kind of product. It may possible to hack something together because RW has an HTML page type and - courtesy of the fantastic paid-for Stacks plugin - an HTML stack. But that’s not what RW is for or how it works.

You may be able to copy and paste bits and pieces of your existing site(s) but I’d use it as an opportunity to improve and refine them using a new tool. RW is great at building websites.

It has its own FTP ‘program’ - though while this works great for some people (here on 6.4 it almost never fails) it’s a source of deep frustration for others. Fortunately, you can always export your RW site and then use a program like FileZilla or Yummy FTP or something else, to upload the exported site to your web server.

Hope this helps a bit,


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Thank you, Robbeatie. You’ve been more than helpful.