Click menu twice on portable devices

I have noticed that a website currently undergoing development deploys correctly but I have to click menus twice on smartphones and tablets, whereas a single click works fine on Desktop web browser.
Any idea what could be wrong?
I use the Mirage theme, but it doesn’t seem to be theme related.

Nothings wrong.
On a dektop browser hovering over something is equivalent to a click. Hovering often changes the cursor appearance and a linkable item may change colour for example. The click then activates the link.
On smartphones and tablets think of the first ‘click’ (or screen press) as the hover bit and then the second ‘click’ activates the link.

I know that, that’s why most websites disable the hover when on touch devices. All my RapidWeaver websites do not require a double click on menus except the new one I’m doing right now, that’s why I’m surprised. And I never provided instructions to ignore hover…
I think I’m missing something.