We are Dual Shard Designs, and are hoping to begin creating neat stuff for the community (if you’ll have us)
We have made our first Stack, a simple to use floating notice that you can add to any element (to be put up on the addons page shortly). We will be giving it away as a new to the community gift. We only ask that you sign up to our newsletter to download it, and don’t worry, if newsletters aren’t your thing you can promptly unsubscribe. We hope to continue to make more useful things and look forward to interacting with you in the future!
Looking forward to seeing your products. Personally, I am interested to see what kind of themes and projects developers are bringing now with RW8 in addition to stacks.
Ps. Love FL.
This stack looks really nice and handy. I would like to subscribe to get this, but your system is telling me to have a fake eMail-Address?! Is there another way to subscribe and get this stack? Or maybe buy it? @DualShardSupport
Could be fishing for email addresses.
The user who posted this only joined the forum a few hours before the post. I personally wouldn’t do anything including give up an email address from a developer that doesn’t identify themselves.
Thanks for the stack! From what is immediately noticeable (in RW 7, in RW 8 did not try): if the shadow is enabled, the animation does not work; and when the animation itself works, it is not quite smooth in the browser.
I signed up for this too. He uses the Mailchimp code to collect email address, which gives you an option to not receive the newsletter he is supposedly collecting for (which I opted to stop the newsletter). Also, I looked at his site, not made with RapidWeaver. I know not all developers do this, but if you make a product for RapidWeaver, I believe you should use RapidWeaver to make the site for that product. Just my belief.
I can confirm that, needs some polishing ;). Also, after you sign up you get a response-page from Mailchimp and on that you will find a link for the download…
After signing up you will be taken to a new page that has a message and the download link. If you missed this screen, no worries, shoot us a message and we will get you a new download link.
The example you are seeing in edit mode is only to show the styles as you make changes. You will need to switch to preview mode to see it in action. This is because we allow you to add your own Stacks content, having that content display fully could end up covering your workspace and causing problems in edit mode.
If you are adding the Stack to a blank project to check it out, you will need to either add padding or content above the Stack. The notice displays above the content, so if the content is hugging the top of the page it will display above it and out of view.
We can’t seem to recreate this behavior, though we will continue testing to make sure there are no bugs. Feel free to contact us to let us know more details and we should be able to get is sorted out.