Setup finally but another new issue

Hey all! So Dan was able to take my old project file and save it as a new one and I grabed the latest RWClassic. So I’m excited to see my RW file from 2012 come back to life. Its been so long since I touched an RW program it all seems very alien to me at the moment.

Heres my newest problem. I used some stacks way back then that I can’t seem to find again. Some of them may not be in exsistence anymore at least not in a purchasable format. Perhaps someone can point in in the right direction for these old stack gems. Or maybe someone has them on their hard rive somewhere?

kulersoulutions stacks
ratingssmall (This might have been a star rating system)
yabdab stack comments my_sql

I’m absolutley ready and willing to buy something new if needed or if someone knows where to get these.

Also I assume RW Classic comes with its own built in stack system but I was thinking of buying the your head stacks v5 plugin.

It says I already have stacks.rapidweaver plugin from 2023 that seem to be from Your head. Is it maybe installed but not paid for and registered so I can’t?

Can I drag a new stack over an old one and have it replace it if these old ones are gone for good?

Sorry I’ll get my feet back under me and start to remember everything from 10 years ago soon I hope. LOL Thanks!

RapidWeaver Classic doesn’t come with a built-in Stacks like system. If you purchased the Stacks plugin in the past you can try grabbing your license key from their order lookup system here. If you can’t find your old license key there we have an FAQ here on how you can reach YourHead Software directly.

So Kuler Solutions isn’t around anymore.

@yabdab is still around, but I don’t know about that stack you are asking about. You can still contact them though and they can let you know about that stack.

Can’t recall designertable or ratingssmall just from the name, perhaps someone else here does. Can you see any information that might point to who made those?

From some of the names of those stacks, it looks like you are looking for a Table stack, a Ratings stack, and a Comments stack, is that right?

Yes a table stack, a rating stack and a comment stack. It was a small movie review, a star rating, and comments so people could say how wrongthe review was.

There isn’t any more info on the stacks that I can see.

@McCarty13 Are you referring to BackSnap? If so, we stopped selling that years ago.
Good news is, we may bring it back later this year if time allows.

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Backsnap does not ring a bell. Unless that was your comments stack back then.

All it shows on my file is the little triangle warning icon letting me know the stack is not installed followed by com.yabdab.stacks.comments_mysql

Can I drag a new stack that does the same thing over the top of it since there is no stack installed there?

Yea, that is a CRAZY old stack :grimacing: that came out more that 15 years ago. It is no longer sold, available or supported.

You should be able to remove the missing stack from the Stacks page, and then drag an alternative stack that does the same thing (or similar) to the same place on the page to replace it.