I lurk on this forum & have learned a lot since my 1st site created about 2008 - RW3 perhaps?
I’m on Mojave RW Version 8.1 (20541b)
Foundation, stacks, a few plug-ins.
Using FORMLOOM 4 for contacts.
In simulate mode - there are no errors, but online, I get a JSON error when the form is submitted (also not redirected to home page)
I do not think it is a Formloom issue as I have tried every methodical configuration/option there is with the plug-in and nothing changes online. Yes, purged cache, etc…
Problem is that “Submit ONCE” is ignored, one fellow did 13 tries!!! (I got all the e-mails!)
I’ve scoured the .php file but do not find where this error is coming from. Any ideas what is wrong & how to fix it?
@PWP Have you sent in a support ticket to either Yabdab or Macdock or both yet? The fastest and preferred way to get support is to contact the developer / host directly.
I have done the beta install. All good!! ((I did not contact anyone because I thought it was my dumb mistake, not the software)) Thanks for the prompt response & dedication to customers.