By double-clicking on the downloaded .zip, I installed the sticky-grummage stack (from Big White Duck). I opened the sg-public-demo site that I downloaded from BWD, too, and it has a page SG that in Edit mode says, in 4 places on the page, “This stack is not currently installed. You need to reinstall it to use it”.
I’m at a total loss here. The stack is installed, and in fact if I try to reinstall it, it just says an identical stack is already installed.
If I click the Library icon I see the stack in the pop-up window the opens showing all available stacks.
What am I missing here?
Aha: if I click on one of those blocks in the page saying that a stack is not installed, I see in a fly-out sidebar which stack it is. There are several on the page:
FontPro - this seems to be Joe Workman’s, and I’ve found that at his site. BUT…oddly, that Missing Stack info lists it as com.bigwhiteduch.stacks.fontpro ??
webFont, listed as com.bigwhiteduck.stacks.webFont, but I don’t find that anywhere
FoundationHeaderPlus, listed as listed as com.bigwhiteduck.stacks.FoundationHeaderPlus, and again I don’t find that anywhere.
So I’m still totally mystified as to what’s going on here.
Yes, I do have Stacks3. If I use Cmd-Opt-7 to open the RapidWeaver add-ons folder, I see there, among others, Stacks.rapidweaverplugin dated 27 August 2017.
And the Manage Addons window’s Plugins tab shows Stacks 3.5.4.
The missing stacks are just old and now deprecated versions.
I have now edited the project file to replace all the legacy headers and paragraphs with current Paragraph Pro and Header Pro stacks and also updated Site Styles to the latest version.
I’ve also removed FontPro as it was only there for styling and again was an old pre-release version.
If you re-visit the project page, the download link will now give you the new RW7 project.
Still confused: which versions do I want, .rw or .rw6?
If I open (or open the .rw6 version of that, which automatically converts it to .rw, I think), now the HeaderPro stack is recognized.
BUT…the Paragraph Pro stack is not recognized. Was that one updated, too, on your site?
The new download is a rapid weaver 7 project file. The file is called . I’ve just downloaded it again myself and checked.
I’m not sure what you are referring to re
Site styles is part of the Foundation stacks. I am now wondering if you are using Foundation or not? Sticky Grummage is designed for Foundation columns
The file to which I refer is the Download “Demo Project File” for HeaderPro (and, apparently, also ParagraphPro), and its marked as for RW6. It’s in the zip that’s nested inside
Yes, I do have the current Foundations theme installed!
No, not all good, alas! It’s that has the 2nd page using ParagraphPro, and that stack in the Edit view shows as not installed. But I do have that stack installed (and when I try to re-install the stack, I’m told that an identical stack is already installed).
It sounds like that the stack has not been installed into the correct location in RW.
At the bottom of the stacks library panel, click on the cog and select show stacks library in finder
This will show the folder of all installed stacks - check that ParapgraphPro.stack is present. I suspect that it may be somewhere else. The installation of stacks is handled by RapidWeaver and not the individual stack or the Stacks 3 plugin.
The simple solution is to drop the stack into that folder and restart RW.
If ParagraphPro is in your library then it should most certainly work. There are no deprecated or out of date versions of ParagraphPro and all the paragraphs on that demo page are Paragraph Pro’s.
I’ve had a couple of my testers download the demo project and confirm that it is working so this is a little confusing.
First thing I would try is to restart your machine and then re-open RapidWeaver.
If after this, all the paragraphs on the page still report themselves as missing stacks and given that you have confirmed that they are in the Stacks folder in Finder then it will be a case of zipping up your addons folder and sending it to YourHead to take a look but try the restart first.
No, not resolved. Just to be sure, I downloaded again the demo project files from It’s a single zip with two zips nested inside it. When the latter are unzipped, I get files foundation-user-demo.rw6 and themes-user-demo.rw6.
Neither of them, evidently, was made for RW 7. If I open either one in RW 7, the migration takes place automatically, of course.
In each, the first page, which uses the HeaderPro stack, is OK. But the second page, which uses the ParagraphPro stack, says that the ParagraphPro stack is not installed – even though it is installed.
The project files were indeed made in RW6 but the automatic migration will convert to RW7 as you know. There are still quite a number of RW6 users and so I leave the projects in that format as the process is not reversible the other way around.
That aside, the installation of a stack in the library is unrelated to the project file and as I mentioned before is controlled by the RW app itself. Occasionally this seems to get a little mixed up for various reasons. The confusing thing is that the actual file is in your stacks library folder.
Just to confirm, if you search for Paragraph Pro with the Stacks library search do you see it appear as per the following screenshot?
Oddly, although I’m getting the indicated “stack not currently installed” for Paragraph Pro in the RW 7 Edit window, when I switch to Preview mode things look OK.
Issue resolved, thanks to Andrew Tavrenor’s assistance. As the Paragraph Pro stack was really installed in RW 7, the “stack not currently installed” caution message was diagnosed as bogus by switching to Borders & Labels mode (in Edit), checking that some text could be colored via the Inspector. And the issue wss cured simply by deleting the caution message.