I need to embed a RW page inside an existent web page of a website that is not created by RW. I have to embed by make changes directly to the html code of that page.
Is there a way to import the page without using the iframes in which you need to define the height?
Someone can tell me the code I need to enter in such a way that the imported RW page keeps the responsive aspect.
I’m interested to hear any other responses. But to my knowledge an iframe would be your only approach if the parameters are exactly as you outline. One can find, and generate, responsive iframe code with any one of the many online resources (a google search will yield plenty…but here is one https://embedresponsively.com). The iframe code itself will be pretty neat and “lightweight” however, keep in mind that the webpage for which it is embedded will now have to load all resources for both pages…thus affecting load speeds etc. Good luck.