I think we would need to see some more information such as your publishing settings. You have probably not published to the correct place (usually public_html but not always) and /or your URL is pointing to a directory which cannot be accessed like a web page.
Just guessing: the index.html is missing.
Check the home page (or document you’re getting the error) in your Rapid Weaver document if it’s set to index.html
It is possible that it’s set to PHP (index.php) and your hosting service doesn’t support PHP.
Thanks a lot.
I’ve html and php but in the past the website we have are read also in php. Now how can I check and what can I do to solve this problem? There is something that I can change to put it online correctly?
Yes, Hans, I made everything you said. but nothing changes. Try now on www.viviam.it, I think that you can open the Home page and the buttons, but inside the categories you will receive the error
Now I’m rewriting part of the code with visual studio using an exported stable version of the website. I hope that uploading that it start to work correctly
I still can’t access your site. http:// won’t work, https:// won’t work…
Do you have an active SSL certificate? That may cause some problems as well.
You can contact your provider to be sure, or check your account/manager with your provider yourself.