Error Writing Page Content

Could some one help? I can not use RW at the moment.

I get following screens:

#1 Plugin can’t be opened for Apple can not check it for malware. Software needs to be updated. Ask more information from developer.

#2 Then follows this

#3 And finally I get this for preview, and ofter crash after that

My observations,
I Formloom3 gave same screens as Rapidbot but I hit remove button and that was solved.
Should I remove Rapidbot from project file? I get same message with or with out it in project file.
As such RW is not operational.

Catalina 10.15
RW Version 8.1.6 (20662)
Foundry v1.3.4.4

All stacks are up to date.

You might have a look at this post about Catalina and plugins.

It appears that there is an update to “Rapidbot”.

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Thanks @teefers!

Got uptade for Rapidbot and that problem seems to be gone.

Uptaded RW as well to latest 8.4.1 (20817).

I still get:
Error Writing Page Contents
Error: The file “index.html” couldn’t be written to disk


Error Writing Page Contents
Error: The file “index.php” couldn’t be written to disk


Never seen that one before. @tpbradley? @dan?

@TapioMichael We’ve not seen this specific error before.

Can you send the following to

  1. Your console logs (see instructions)
  2. Your project file (you can use WeTransfer if it’s larger)

Sounds trivial, but can you try a quick restart of your Mac? The error sounds like a permissions issue.

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