Formloom 3 not sending customers email receipt

For some unknown reason, my Formloom3 page has stopped sending a customer receipt emails back to the originator.

I have unset/reset the Send Receipt Checkbox and have a receipt template populated and in place. It used to work, but doesn’t now and I don’t recall making any changes to that page.

There are no errors, the information is written to a google sheet and the form submission emails with appropriate info specified in the email template works properly.

  • MacOS 10.12.3
  • RapidWeaver7.3.3
  • Formloom 3 3.0.9

Any assistance and guidance would be greatly appreciated?


Hi, I can’t get mine to work. Did you find out how to use the Google Sheet? How to find that code?

Hi @martinsbussing, just to know if you have got this sorted out (if you got support of Yabdab) ?

Hi Fabio.
I’m headed out of town for a few days.
If others have not helped you out before I return on Monday May 8, I will try to help you out

Hey Tino
Yes it was resolved. Not a problem with FormLoom.
My mail host had blacklisted my web host.
Once that was resolved all is good

Hi Fabio
Here is a Yabdab link to Formloom3 and Google Sheets Setup
