I have over the weekend been getting loads of Spam emails via the contact form (Foundations FormBase) from my site: Hillside Computers
and I can’t understand why. Basically the form doesn’t elude (as far as I know or can tell) as to what my email address is to the end-user, but the emails I have receive have all been filled in correctly.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening and how I can stop it from happening?
Add Human verification. Basically a text input that has a question… What is 2+12? Then verify that the field validates to 14. If it does not, then the form will not be submitted.
A text field so that you can put in whatever you want as the ‘answer’, even though - in Joe’s example - ‘12’ looks like a number; it’s treated as a text string.
But the principle is that visitors must enter ‘14’ in the text field in question (because 14 is 12+2); or whatever ‘sum’ you set.
And so the value of the Validate field (on the right) you set to 14 in such a way that if a non-human (spammer) fails to put in ‘14’, or whatever you require, the absence of a valid value in the form will cause its data to be rejected.