I had a hard drive failure and had to install a new HD, My back up was corrupted and had to install one by one with a complete new image. I installed RW7 and all my stacks again, however all my Joe Workman stacks will not install no matter how many times I attempt to install them from the installer. When I click on the installer, it says that they are installed, however when I restart RW they are not there at all. Any ideas as to why or how I can fix this?
Gary: I’m going from memory so I may be a little off but … when you download a Joe folder there’s the installer but there’s also another folder named Resources (or similar). Open that folder and you’ll find the stack. Then manually drag to where your stacks are located.
It’s at this folder:
/Users/YourUserName/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver
OMG I was not opening the resources folder. I was running the installer thinking it was installing. thank you @Mathew
Well the installer SHOULD install. You were doing the right thing. But there’s some confusion with regards to your computer and how it’s running: so the manual approach is needed!
The installer does NOT work with RapidWeaver 7, so you should not use it with that. Anything that is newly downloaded will no longer come as a dmg file but as a zip file.