I bought some BWD stacks. I dragged and dropped them on the RW icon but I can’t find them within the RW program? I tried reinstalling them but got a notice that said I had already installed them.
I my talks with Trevor @ BWD he suggested they may have gone into a pervious RW addition? What should I do now.
Have you made sure that you used the right icon (latest version)? Have you restarted RW after installation of your new stacks?
The best way of installing add-ons (in my opinion) is to drag them to RW icon in the dock, because this way you know you are installing them into correct location (unless you have left an old version of RW in the dock).
but I can’t find them within the RW program
I don’t know where exactly have you tried to find them, but the way to do that is to click on Addon button in the top RW window bar. That will open a separate window. Select Stacks and then Control-click on a stack you want to find in Finder and choose Reveal Addon in Finder.
Thanks for your suggestions. Ye’s I restated the RW, yes I made sure I had the correct RW icon and yes I dropped them RW icon on the dock… And I was gone for 4 days on vacation with my Mac off and restarted it once home.
The image shown seems to be the the 4 I tried to instal?
Do the stack files have to be in the main hard drive to be found by the RW/Foundation programs? I have them stored on the desktop? In foundation they show in "unknown developer catagory?
The stacks you are trying to install should have been in the download folder? When you say “desktop” I’m assuming you moved the ones you’re installing to the desktop, and not that you moved the Rapidweaver Addons folder to your desktop?
I would redownload these (BWD is Free), leave them in the download folder, and drag them from the download folder to the RapidWeaver Icon in the Doc. If the Desktop and Documents folder are set to use iCloud that could cause an issue.
That looks like just a file where you keep the stacks, not where RapidWeaver store them. Take the SectionsBox.stack and drag and drop it onto the RapidWeaver icon in the dock (start RapidWeaver first). Then you should get a dialog asking if you want to install or not. Click on install and then quit and relaunch RapidWeaver when it says it is down.
You can see were rapidweaver stores addons by either right-clicking a stack a select reveal in finder or opening rapidweaver preferences and selecting the add-ons, and that will show you if that has changed from the default. There is also a reveal in finder button on that page as well.
Yes once I downloaded the stacks I dropped them on the RW icon then moved them to that desktop folder for storage. I followed all the sequences you and others have noted but still no BWD stacks?
Write next to the save as you can click the ^ cup carrot and it would open a full file location dialog, or you could select the drop-down (says desktop now, or you could select the downloads on the sidebar.
How are you downloading these? Are you adding to the cart? The "downloads Button is NOT the stack, but project files, etc.
Cancel out of that, and go back and Add to Cart. Go through the checkout process (they are free - but donate if you like them). Then once you checkout you get an email with a button to download.