Help - moving Mac

Hi a Mac died unexpectedly and although I have back-ups I am struggling …

A.) exactly to what address do I seed the theme in Classic. Nomatter what I do I cant get it to show up on the new Mac

B.) I can’t find my serial number for Classic - is there a way I can track it down ? - Clearly I’ve somehow lost / deleted the email : )

Thanks if anybody can help me get productive again !!



A.) Still trying to get this theme to the correct address on the new computer such that when I open the file, it sees the correct theme

B.) is fixed … found my serial number :+1:

I put the theme file in the location I believe it should be - then open RW and it’s just not available

Further, I look at the folder I put it in and … it’s disappeared - eek !


Is this the correct home for the themes ?

I am simply trying to transplant from my rescued laptop backup to the new Mac … when I place the theme I want here it then disappears. It then cannot be seen either from within the theme chooser - and it literally disappears from the finder … .any clues ?

Hey @jbob,

Here’s a link with some instructions on moving RapidWeaver to a new Mac, have a read and do ask if you need further help!

Thanks, I have the app … and I have copied my project file across. I am missing my modified themeflood theme file and cant seem to transplant it into the correct location. Can you help ? I realise this isn’t the migration you envisioned, but I hadn’t imagined corruption in my backups … meaning I have to pluck files out and transplant them

Hi again - I am making progress here having got my project into a complete mess after a Mac failed.

Now the only issue I have is on the home page (which worked ok yesterday) - the following message on Previewing the file … I’m guessing something is in the wrong place ?

Notice : file_get_contents(): read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /Applications/ on line 178

Hi @jbob, Can you try restarting your Mac and see if that fixes the issue for you.

Will do !!

Yes - oddly it’s good now - thanks so much Dan !

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