Help needed! Unable to export website to folder

Hello, I am unable to export my site to a folder on my Mac using File>Export Site in RW7.2.2. The site worked well for a long time before. The export is incomplete and ends with this message:

“Unable to launch external preview
There was a problem opening a preview of your website. If this problem continues to appear, please contact Realmac Software for support.”

I first contacted RealMac support in August 2016, but the support is slow (7-10 days to get a response each time), and the problems remains unsolved. I was able to get by on my other Mac, but after a clean install of Sierra on it, the problem is now on both Macs. I can’t make any changes to my website as things stand. Can someone please help?


This message does not mean that your site hasn’t been exported. Open the destination folder and you will see that all the files are there. It happens to me all the time.

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Usually get that message if setting on a page that can’t preview in RW when you start export

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Thanks a lot for the quick reply. I’ve just checked and, indeed, the export completed normally. I was able to publish my updated page manually, and it’s fine. In the summer, when this message first appeared, I couldn’t save the changes to my site. Anyway, now it seems to work. I’ve been using RW since its very early iterations and rarely had problems with it. Thanks again.


I’m not sure what you mean exactly by “setting on a page that can’t preview RW when you start export”. Can you please clarify? Thanks.

Horseman Philip C.
January 15

I’m not sure what you mean exactly by “setting on a page that can’t preview RW when you start export”. Can you please clarify? Thanks.

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swilliam scott williams
January 15
Usually get that message if setting on a page that can’t preview in RW when you start export
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I get it if I happen to be setting on something like sitemap+ or pluskit. In edit mode when I hit publish. Or if the last page to publish is one of those.

Not sure why, but I see it from time to time

Hi, Scott,
I get this situation every time I export, no matter what page I have selected at the time of exporting. It could be a page with or without a plugin that couldn’t be previewed.

Thanks for the clarification. I get it all the time too now as Rob does. Anyway, as long as changes can be updated and the site can be exported, I don’t think it’s a major problem. I wish RealMac tech support would be as helpful and quick as you guys have been. Much appreciated.

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