Sounds like you want the video to appear in a modal box (lightbox). There are a ton of them. Search the community page:
Search for Modal or Lightbox.
No the free stack will work just as well if not better than some of the paid ones out there. Limelight is the one I use or would use if I were making sites. Yes, you can donated to BWD, but it is not a necessity.
So - playing with Limelight tonight and with my limited exposure to this - it would appear that I will always have to have an external button or way to trigger the video… correct?
Also - if I am trying to place a collection of say 12 videos in a 3 x 4 grid - it doesn’t seem to allow me to do this with Limelight - though I may be missing something…
My final objective would be to have the videos in a grid pattern - with a brief note for each - and have each video clip enlarge when played…
Will sleep on this tonight - and start fresh tomorrow - as I may be missing something obvious right now…
Making a grid is no hard, and you can use an image as a button, so take a screenshot of the video and use that as your button. Then make a grid 3x4 of these images and link them to the videos. Sure Velvet Video might do that, but this is the more economical way (if that is of any interest to you) and gives you more control of layout etc.
Unless your video is super short (e.g. 20 seconds or less) then it’s typically crazy to host yourself. YouTube and Vimeo do great jobs of optimizing the playback experience for users.
I prefer Vimeo over YT, but both are very good services.