HTML Generate Turkish Character Problem

I am using Roboto (or any font that has Turkish character) font in my site (Rapidweaver 8.3 - Foundation Themes ). There is no problem in web site but there is problem of Turkish character in HTML code.

When I use it in the Header stack there is no problem but when I use it int the paragraph stack (Foundation Paragraph or Paragraph pro) there is a problem.

What should I do?

Like that;

–>This is my headerPro şiğüçö<!-- (Header stack HTML View)

(paragraph stack)

Uygulama Temelleri

Sports International mobil uygulaması, kas seçici ekranı ve egzersiz kitaplığı ile insanlara spor yaparken koçluk yapmayı aynı zamanda performans verilerini kayıt altına alarak takip etmeyi ve kullanıcının kulüp ile olan iletişimini artırmayı hedefleyen bir mobil uygulamadır.

- Uygulamayı kullanmak

Uygulamayı kullanmak için Sports International ın kullandığı üyelik programındaki üye kayıtlarının (e-mail ve müşteri numarası) işlenmiş olması gerekir. Uygulama ilk kayıt sırasında bu kayıtları kullanır. Üyenin aktiflik durumuna göre uygulamayı kullanıp kullanmayacağını belirler.

Üyelik sisteminde, üyenin emaili eksik veya üyeliği pasif ise uygulamayı kullanmasına izin verilmez.

It’s difficult to say what might be going on without a URL to at least a test page. You might want to show the exact same “text” with it working with the header stack, not working with the paragraph stacks.

If you’re trying to post code(html, JavaScript, CSS,etc) here on the forum, select it and then mark it with the code button </>, otherwise it’s hard to tell what you posted.

I remember pointing out before that that RW was sometimes converting UTF8 characters to html entities. For instance, if you type an e-acute on your mac keyboard (alt-e + e) in a paragraph stack, RW will convert this to &eacute; whereas if you type the same into a header stack it will retain the é. Both look OK on the page but I must say that I don’t like the mess that the former is making of the html. I only use Stacks pages so I’m not sure if it is a Stacks issue or a general RW. Perhaps @isaiah could enlighten us as he is exceptionally brainy…

I just forced myself to create a non-stacks page. In that, both the headings and the paragraph text were converted to html entities, so it appears to be a RW thing. It is curious that header stacks behave differently, though. So perhaps @dan could enlighten us.

you can find the test site as follows;

@AYDIN, just to be clear, is what I described what you are not happy with? The published page reads as it should but the html is full of html entities such as &ccedil; instead of ç?

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