@joeworkman JW, I experienced the same issue with the HTML 5 Audio update. Been meaning to send in a support ticket, but now here it is again on the Forum. I’m also thankful for the update - much appreciated!
For me, the problem of invisible buttons is exactly the same when creating a blank page, in a new project, with different themes, with different browsers (except Safari and the preview of RW8 as specified at the beginning of my topic).
I would also like to point out that the “Unmute” button problem is found in all browsers including Safari and the RW8 preview.
@Hubert, @thang,
As @joeworkman mentioned, how about a URL to at least a test page with the issue displayed. Something so simple instead of guessing and going back and forth between “what might be” causing the problem.
If there is a problem with the stacks Joe will fix it, but he needs to see it.
@teefers@Ruyton I have already pm’ed Joe a link to a test page made with the Reason theme with only the HTML5 stack on the page. So far it appears in any theme I’ve tested, including several Foundry sites. I will try it in Foundation 1 and see what happens.
[Edit:] I did a test with F1 and see the same issue both on my desktop running Sierra and on my MBP running Mojave. I’m using RW 8.7 and Stacks 4.1.4. F1 is updated to the latest version.
@joeworkman Joe, that update did indeed fix the visibility of the buttons, but if you mute the track, then it can not be unmuted. This also occurs in Safari.
to Ruyton Gary Wann,
I was in the process of answering you about the themes used, but I noticed that JW fixed the 2 stacks with 2 new updates.
Thanks Gary for your help