JW's HTML5 audio and video stacks - New issue

After 9 updates to the HTML5 audio and video stacks in February, no one including me and @joeworkman had tested the stacks online after publishing.
Stacks work sometimes in previews of RW8, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari… but not online! The “Play” and “Sound” control buttons are absent, invisible.
Problem also tested in a new project, with a blank page… etc.
There you have it, have a good day.

Republish all files?

And yes, I did test it… https://sandbox.joeworkman.net

The HTML5 audio stacks are working OK for me, uploaded the audio version of the club journal at the beginning of March, some 18 tracks and all displaying and playing correctly.

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First of all thanks to @Ruyton and @joeworkman for their assistance.

I have already spent some time for testing, but I need more time… to research, to solve the problem, and to understand why this is also happening with a new project (example theme from RW8), a blank page and online after publishing.

Latest updates
Audio stack version 3.4.4
Video stack version 4.6.3

Do you have a URL so the problem can be seen?

Perhaps you could provide a URL to a page you’re having trouble with?

Problem solved, I’m sorry and embarrassed.

Until the February updates, I was using the 2016 audio and video stack versions (functional Skin Controls settings). I updated the video stacks, but not the audio stacks (the player is thinner in height) … here is the problem, even if the video and audio stacks are separated in different pages, there is an interaction , a conflict between their codes.
Obviously identical problem in the other direction, updated audio stack, but not the video stack.
For information, either the control buttons of the players became invisible, or the players were displayed in standard HTML5 mode.

So now the audio and video stacks are both updated, and everything is fine!

P.S. There, Joe, I think I’m done with my miseries (French expression) with the players.

Good luck to all, make beautiful sites …


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