Just for the record, it is absurd that RW8 doesn’t include some default type of CAPTCHA - e.g., reCAPTCHA or similar.
To make matters worse, it appears that there is no way to add CAPTCHA to the built-in contact form through added code that I could copy and paste from Google or many other sources.
I am now receiving dozens of spam emails daily through a built-in contact form (www.ChaparralArts.org) and I will be forced to rework the form in a third-party tool (that I now need to research, purchase, and learn) in order to prevent this. This is an investment I shouldn’t need to make in an already well overbooked schedule. (I will need to postpone it to another time…)
I think I’d rather say that it’s beyond absurd - it’s appalling - that we should still need to have to deal with one of the largest and most widespread illegalities, nuisances, acts of selfishness and blatant e-terrorism (referring of course to the trillions of phone call, email, text, forum and form muck that a few hundred outfits think they have the right to inflict on the rest of us) that the world has ever known.
For a simple form get Doobox HTML Contact Stack - honeypot method built in - quick and cheap. For more complex forms - my choice would be Formloom 4 although I’m sure some of the others out there are very good also - just I have used Formloom on many sites.