Just another wordpress site?

I’m very new to Rapidweaver and website building in general. I purchased my domain through Hover hosting and i’m hosting it with Dreamhost. After I enter all my information, I get the “Connection test successful” but when I search my site… I get “Just another wordpress site”
What am I doing wrong? How can I get to my home page and actual site?

Thank you so much

Search my site…no idea what you are talking about…

If you post your domain name and a screenshot of your publishing settings, we can be of more help to you. It’s likely that you’re not publishing to the correct folder on the server.

Pay close attention the the path field. It’s probably easier to clear out the entry in that field and use the browse button to view the folders on the server and choose the appropriate one. If you’re not sure, then also post a screenshot of the folder list when browsing or ask Dreamhost what your path should be set to.

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It may be that:

is the default page which Dreamhost puts up before and unless a new directory structure for your HTML (RW) pages has been correctly set up and used as the target for RW uploads.

Quite a common thing to have to get exactly right at the start; so don’t be discouraged :slight_smile: .

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This might seem like a stupid question but it sounds like you entered the credentials from DreamHost and pressed the Test button and everything looks okay. but did you actually hit the publish button?

If so what happened?

I’m suspicious of that path.
DreamHost gives you ftp access to your root directory “one level up” from where your domain points to.

Since you’ve said you have hit the test button and all works that tells us that the basic credentials work.

What I’d suggest next is to follow these steps

  1. Clear out the path on the publishing settings (blank)
  2. Press the Browse button you should see a directory list.
  3. You should see a directory(folder) with the name of the domain jacksoncountyonline.com select that directory.
  4. Now try the publish button at the top.

More information from DreamHost:

Just adding on to the good advice from teefers… I have many domains with shared hosting at Dreamhost and your publishing settings definitely look wrong.

The Server field should be nothing but the name of your domain. I don’t know where you got that IP address but it should just read:

Assuming you are publishing to the root of your domain the Path should be: /jacksoncountyalonline.com

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I host a LOT of sites on DreamHost (very happy with them, by the way) - @Bioguy is (I believe) very close…

If your Path mirrors what all of my paths do, you are also missing the User Name. I believe the path should be:
/home/dh_as58kt/jacksoncountyalonine.com (no trailing slash). Give that a shot and let us know.

Oh, and you will probably need to change the Publishing Method to SFTP.

If your address is really http://… you might want to go back and add the FREE SSL Certificate to the domain - and then be sure all calls are to https instead of http.

You would normally do this when you set the domain up for hosting. But, since this has been done, from the DH control panel,

  • Select SSL/TLS Certificates
  • Click the ADD button next to the domain
  • Click Select this certificate under “Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate”

This is totally free with DreamHost.

Oh snap, @tmount09 - it just occurred to me that you very possibly need to remove the One Click WordPress installation from your domain - if in fact you want a RW site there and not a WP site.

Directions on how to do this can be found here.

Not true. You can use the IP address assuming you have the right IP address. I publish several sites to DreamHost using IP addresses. I would think the server name would need the protocol changed to ftp and not just domain name.

On Dreamhost you can get the IP address by clicking the dns under the domain name. In fact DreamHost tech support first thing they do if you have publishing issues is make sure you are using the IP address.

If you’re using some like “CloudFlare” you should be using direct IP address to publish.

I do recommend SFTP, not necessary to publish but more secure and reliable. In f I have regular ftp turned off on all my DreamHost sites for security.

As for the path once again just clear it and hit Browse and pick the directory. It’s so much easier than typing path names correctly. By the way the path name might change if change the server name to something other than the IP address.

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