Laugh or cry....partial problem

Not a real problem but I am a little intrigued as to what is going on…

A charity website I build/maintain is having a charity event and so they wanted a button added to draw attention to it so I added a foundation button inside Joe’s Animate stack to give it some motion and put it in the partial that contained the logo/menu etc so it would appear on every page.

Check it out:

All good eh?

Go to the donate page…

Any ideas given this is in a partial that is on every page so no reason for a difference? I did a complete republish as well.

Not critical but the donate page seems to have taken it to heart the desire to make the message stand out!!


I’m no coder but try removing that Charitable ‘widget’ (if that’s what it is) and see if it has any effect

Yup - might try that - wondered whether there was a code clash. It’s not a charity widget - its actually the Points stack from @joeworkman so that I could make the two ‘buttons’ in the image act like buttons.



Tried it - still the same problem. Ah well.

If anyone has any other bright ideas!

I’ll bet you couldn’t do that on purpose if you wanted to LOL… I think Joe will have to solve this one :wink:
You could unpack the paryial just on that page just to be sure there is no hiccup there.

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You are using a pulse animation. Points creates a pulse animation for some of its effects and is overriding the Foundation animation. I will file a bug.

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Check for updates… :slight_smile:

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Thanks Joe - though I got the same effect when I removed the Points stack (though as I didn’t republish everything who knows).

I haven’t got an update showing for Points… Is version 2 entirely different from version 1 (I’ve got 1.2.0 showing) ?

Perhaps I’ll just pick another animation :slight_smile:


Not seeing an update as 2.0 was a paid update.

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That would explain it then!



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