Loading website to ftp server

Hi there
I’ve set up the publishing information in rapidweaver but when I press the button it publishes about 40 files and then says Couldn’t upload to your ftp server. The strange thing is sometimes it uploads without a problem, and then does this for about a day. Is this an RW problem or my server host.

Without a good bit more information it’s going to be hard to get help.

Many people publish every day without issues using RapidWeravers built-in publishing.

Some information that will help you get help:

  • Who is you hosting company
  • Screenshot of the publishing settings
  • Screenshot of the error message you are getting

You can also have a look at this KB article, follow all the steps including how to get clear and get the support logs:

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Hi Doug and thank you for your quick reply. Please see the two screen grabs attached. What I’m finding strange is that I have successfully uploaded the website to the host Fasthosts a number of times. The last set of changes were literally changing the folder, names adding a zoom to the photo gallery and removing photo titles. It now won’t load. This did happen last week as well but at some point started working again.

The website is www.templestreetwear.com

Many thanks

I can’t really see the settings you are using.

FTP is a very old and sometimes finicky protocol. It predates the Internet by over a decade.

I’ve never used Fasthosts, but I believe that they support SFTP, I’d recommend strongly that you switch to that if it’s available. Standard FTP is extremely insecure, it sends your login credentials including password in the clear, so it’s often hacked.

SFTP is much newer, secure, and more stable then FTP is.

It looks like you have FTP working again?

Thanks Doug I’ll try SFTP.

Hi Doug

I’ve contacted Fasthosts. Firstly my package doesn’t include SFTP however they ran a test upload and didn’t have a problem. I’ve attached a screenshot of my settings to accompany the last shot which shows the non upload messages.

Thanks for your help.


Did you go through all the steps in the KB article I linked above?

What kind of response did you get with the ping test? How about the ping to google (

Were you able to get the logs?

Hi Doug

I’ve tried everything apart from I didn’t know how to upload the ping test. So far

Fasthost have successfully uploaded a test site

Cyberduck gives the following message

550 Can’t create directory: Invalid argument. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.

I’m using the same publishing settings that have been working fine.

The log files are attached.



(Attachment RapidWeaver Logs (2020-05-27) (08-56-51).txt is missing)


There’s nothing attached to the post, the log file probably should be zipped up and given to RealMac support (@Aaron).

Are you using a windows server?

The reason I’m asking is the 550 error code is NOT a valid http response return code, they only go up to 511. I think windows server uses a bunch of invalid codes.

If you are using a windows based hosting plan, your probably going to have other issues and will want to change plans.

If you can’t connect with a stand-alone ftp client then something is wrong with the host or credentials. RealMac support probably can’t help with that, but might be able to look at the logs and point to what might be causing the issue.

I don’t use Cyberduck so I can’t help much with the setup and don’t even know if there’s a log file available.

I’m also having a publishing problem and I’d appreciate some help.

I’ve put together a site, and seem to have uploaded to the server, but once it’s done and I visit the site, this is what I see (this is only the Home page - no active links. I can’t paste the page here, because it contains several links and I’m not allowed to do that here. Please check here: www.dbate.nl

When I click on the links to other pages, I get this:

404 - Not Found

The page you are trying to access does not exist.

If this error persists, please contact the website webmaster.

If you are the webmaster of this site make sure that:

  • You have uploaded correctly your files to the public_html directory which is the web-root of your account;

  • You have not misspelled the URL. Bear in mind that letters are case sensitive and no white spaces are recommended;

  • In case you have applied SEO - SEF URL rewriting rules, make sure you have re-named the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. If there is already a non-empty .htaccess file read it and make sure the necessary rules are un-commented.

Try republishing all files. I’m not at a Mac right now but it looks like the CSS files didn’t publish.

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